Blog / Games


Sorry, did I say having a Mac mini server was boring? I was wrong. Thanks to OpenEmu it’s fun and exciting! And fun. With a Wii Remote and a Mac you can use the most beautiful, smooth, and functional multiple emulator system on the planet.

So... beautiful...

Yeah, it looks like Plex and iTunes had a baby. But it’s a native Mac app and centralizes a dozen different classic systems. There’s fullscreen support and good performance and no lag! Even the preferences menu is a joy to behold. I’m overwhelmed.

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Driving blind

I’m getting tired of heads-up displays in video games. User interface elements, in-game markers, whatever you want to call them. I think the industry could be doing a better job to train players to get rid of them.

Forza 5, for instance, is an amazing driving game and gets better when you turn off most of the UI. I’ll talk you through my thinking.

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Rosalina might be my favorite character from the Mario platforming games.

In fact, Rosalina might be the only character in the Mario platforming games.

Have personality, will do nothing

There are checklists and guidelines for this sort of thing, but I’d like to adapt one of Gene Siskel’s favorite tests. Imagine winning the opportunity to have lunch with your favorite video game character. Would you have anything interesting to talk about?

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Elite: Dangerous

Behold the space sim ascendant again.

In Frontier this ship was probably 15 polygons

My earliest PC gaming memories involve Frontier, Frontier: First Encounters, and the most special game nobody’s ever heard of, Nomad. That last one stood out in my childhood. Its manual addressed you as “widow son,” which might have just been a cool code name but was an accurate description of me, personally, as my father had recently died. Then there was Frontier, the ultimate space simulator. I still remember the lucrative trade route of robots to/from Sol System and Ross 154.

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Free play

I’ve been getting farther into Forza 5 and… wait, that sounds weird. Forza isn’t a game through which you progress. It’s just a giant pool of race events from which you pick, in any order, at your leisure. Kind of drowns the motivation. But they do a good job of gating cars behind paywalls full of either in-game cash or real world moolah. I don’t particularly mind as I play Forza to get deep knowledge of the few number of cars and tracks my brain will hold. There’s no one car that I’ve just gotta have.

I know this sounds weird but I kind of want to have sex with you

Except maybe the LaFerrari, which I drove this afternoon. Now that’s how I define a supercar: incredibly fast, incredibly sexy, incredibly responsive. I was driving sideways and yet totally in control. Took it around the Alps at 200mph and nearly unhinged the passenger door. Wooh, what a rush!

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Fallout free

Today Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics (Tic-Tacs?) are free on Good Old Games. Good on ’em. Usually the transfer of a game license means we never see the property for a decade, so getting the 2D Fallout games for free is a move straight from Crazy Land. Crazy Awesome Land.

Grey skies are gonna clear up, put on a happy face...

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Xbox, did you see that?

How you know Microsoft nailed with the Xbox One controller: use it exclusively for two weeks then go back to the Xbox 360. You’ll think the 360 controller is a piece of junk. The one previously considered the best console controller ever made.

I’ve been playing more of Forza 5 and enjoying myself. Re-learned the technique of braking gently and accelerating gently through turns. Capturing awesome overtakes is such a joy with the Kinect sensor. I wish they’d make the command “Xbox did you see that?” I haven’t done any tuning; on the default difficulty it’s not hard to dominate your Drivatar friends. Maybe I should crank it up a bit.

Just look at the majesty of his... uh, majesty.

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Goodbye, Stanley

I’ve had my fun with The Stanley Parable. Despite the loading screen insisting that The End Is Never The End, I’ve found my ending and am happy with it. I saw the Baby and the Fire, I played the Other Games, I went into the Mind Control Chamber through its several entrances. There may be more to see, but I’m content with it. I’m not a completionist, I couldn’t care less about 100%-ing anything. Just land me at a soft spot near the end and I’ll be satisfied.

You win, Stanley.

Wag the tail

I want to meet the person at Ubisoft who thinks the “tailing” missions in Assassin’s Creed are a good idea. This person must have ignored all the testers complaining the sequences were no fun; all the devs grousing about finding proper concealment spots for the player; all the writers whining that the player can’t focus on the dialog if they have to also keep track of enemy positions, cover spots, and rooftop paths. Er, wait, maybe I don’t.

Is this person the devil? Sorry, Ubisoft isn’t that kind of company. Le diable?

Like this, but not fun.

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  1. Using FFVIIHook on Steam Deck for Final Fantasy VII Remastered
  2. The Last Rug Pull
  3. Mythic Quest Thoughts
  4. My PGP Public Key
  1. Using OBS Studio and ffmpeg to Record Games for YouTube
  2. Using GitHub Actions to Publish Static Sites to Azure
  1. On Criticism
  2. Using Premium Verizon CDN to run React's BrowserRouter
  1. 307 Pages I Got Back, Part 5
  2. 307 Pages I Got Back, Part 4
  3. 307 Pages I Got Back, Part 3
  4. FFMPEG commands for audio/video mixing
  5. 307 Pages I Got Back, Part 2
  6. 307 Pages I Got Back, Part 1
  1. 372 Pages I Never Got Back
  2. Bandits. Simple as that.
  3. My Sixteen Games
  1. Configuring Samba 5 to share a folder with full write permissions to guest users
  2. Me Suffer Now
  3. Peace Among Worlds
  4. Halo: Installation 07
  5. From Zero to Hero of Time
  6. Remember to Forget
  7. That Next Next Next
  8. Pillars of Whateveritwas
  9. The Average Saiyan Warrior
  10. Bravely Diffident
  1. The Best Jurassic Park Sequel
  2. Hi, I'm HERO
  1. Blackout
  2. Landing gear deployed
  3. So Wildstar
  4. It's that very special time of year, Greendale
  5. iPhones and lizard brains
  6. From the context it is clear what you mean
  7. Do you still want to meet?
  8. Kill meeee
  9. Dark Souls II playthroughs
  10. The Amazing Spider-dope
  11. Final Archstone
  12. More Archstone
  13. Archstone
  14. Horror-ible
  15. Paranoia+
  16. Old Ben on the mountain
  17. Target blank
  18. Clan Centurio knows how to treat its hard working members
  19. Steam Machines
  20. We shall l'cie
  21. Cooling a Playstation 3
  22. Next gen resmolutions
  23. New Year's in Ivalice
  1. The commander is ashore
  2. Fantasies twelve and thirteen
  3. Into the Nexus
  4. Backup
  5. Collector's cretins
  6. The good olde days
  7. OpenEmu
  8. Mulling Mac mini
  9. Driving blind
  10. Hyrule Warriors
  11. Rosalina
  12. Elite: Dangerous
  13. Free play
  14. The Desolation of Smaug
  15. Fallout free
  16. iOS 7 adoption
  17. Xbox, did you see that?
  18. Goodbye, Stanley
  19. Wag the tail
  20. Gold coin for your thoughts?
  21. Beginning Bitcoin
  22. Final Fantasy VIII
  23. The Happy Room and the Stairs
  24. Stanley entered the door on the left
  25. Base secured. Standby for new orders.
  26. Single payer video game
  27. Storm in a teacup
  28. A trapped wolf will cut off its own leg
  29. Assassin's appendix
  30. The wheels on the bus
  31. Riding dirty
  32. Marketing is a feature
  33. Everything is permitted
  34. What shall we do with a drunken sailor?
  35. Day One
  36. Obsolete
  37. Xbox One hunting
  38. Uphill both ways
  39. Recabling fever
  40. Next gen jitters
  41. Thor: The Dark World
  42. Nintenbored
  43. I will see to it personally
  44. Reviewing the Playstation 4
  45. Node Foreeever
  46. Knockin' on Node's door
  47. Junk Jack X
  48. iPad Air
  49. World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor
  50. The fastest way
  51. Internet Explorer-tan
  52. Back to the city
  53. Apocalypse cancelled
  54. Captain Zack Power
  55. It's crime time!
  56. People are protesting low land values
  1. Take a girl for a ride
  2. For Tyria!
  3. Guild Wars 2 is a bad game
  4. Reformat syndrome
  5. At the Nexus of madness
  6. It is now safe to use approved electronic devices
  7. iPhone tremors
  8. A challenger appearz
  9. Surface-level compromises
  10. 7.85 inch... oh no
  11. Magical, revolutionary advertising
  12. Gamer Theater
  13. Deus Ex: Human Revolution reflections
  14. Thoughts on Apple TV
  15. Fixing Apache on Mountain Lion
  16. Insanely Twisted Shadow Remnant
  17. Dark Souls
  18. EYE on Exodus
  19. Zeemote
  20. The Rolling Dead
  21. Sparrow flies away
  22. Memo to Charles Schumer: Publishers are not books
  23. The Binding of Seacrest County
  24. Brave
  25. Consuming iPads
  26. Frequently Asked Questions
  28. Twitter cracking down
  29. Synthetic meat
  30. How I use Facebook
  31. Sublime Text hits version 2
  32. I have to touch it!
  33. EA as underdog
  34. Yes, I would like to gno mor
  35. My format: guardian
  36. Bad. Ass.
  37. How I organize
  38. Summer beach parties are coming
  39. Weyland Science Mission Procedures and Precautions
  40. Setting up Mac for PHP and Ruby websites
  41. Is there any life in the Vita?
  42. Do. Or do not. There is a 30-day trial.
  1. Moving to Mac
  2. You know what's wrong with Skyrim these days?
  3. I didn't ask for these boss battles
  4. This holy place has been desecrated
  5. Jordan's Mod Guide: FreeSpace + FreeSpace 2
  6. Jordan's Mod Guide: Descent + Descent 2 Rebirth
  7. It's a good day to kill, your majesty!
  1. Flower review imagined as a conversation between Morpheus and Neo in The Matrix
  2. The inhabitants of the Gayzor mountains
  1. A better life, underground
  2. Monster Captain Fn'Gaaah
  3. For starters, I'm going to do something about those robots!