Blog / Games

Gold coin for your thoughts?

Super Mario games should have a store.

Hey, quit giggling. Not a microtransaction nightmare, but an in-game store to do something with the jillions of coins you collect. I’m playing Super Mario 3D World (BTW, I had to work to memorize that title) and wondering why I should be exerting any effort to nab the scores of gold coins in each level. They pay for new lives which as an experienced Mario player I hardly need.

Why can’t they be used to buy suits? Nintendo has some idea that currencies in games have value since you need green stars to open more levels. I’m nuts for those and don’t leave a world until I’ve farmed all its soylent goodness. But the visible coins, invisible coins, stacks of coins and coin suits bore me. I want to use them for something that enhances gameplay rather than just continuing it. It feels like I’m playing with the Black Eye skull from Halo 4 turned on.

Did I mention this game is super fun? Because it is.

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Final Fantasy VIII

Looks like Final Fantasy VIII is out on Steam. The pendulum of opinion has swung back to the positive for this title because, I suspect, the people who hate it have grown tired of voicing that opinion. It’s not cool to bash Final Fantasy VIII these days. But I don’t mind. I’m hip to hate Square.

Its predecessor Final Fantasy VII was a huge moment in gaming for me. During a computer summer camp in Minnesota I got my first taste of bilinear filtering when we managed to get the PC version of FF7 running through a Voodoo 3D accelerator card. You know, back in the prehistoric days when computers had two video cards to handle 2D and 3D graphics separately. Wow am I glad we overcame that limitation.

I’ve bought FF7 for the PS3 and PC to relive those glory days.

Such a huge moment for 3D-rendered games featuring two characters I despise.

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The Happy Room and the Stairs

Discussing The Stanley Parable is all code words. At first this was born from a desire to avoid spoilers, but after a while it’s the only way to describe the game and the crazy places you end up. There’s the Employee Lounge. The Mind Control Room. Stanley’s Apartment. The Adventure Line. The Happy Room and the Stairs. The Fern.

You know what I’m talking about, don’t you, Stanley? And yet it’s utterly opaque to everyone else.

If we’re talking about Mass Effect, I can say Ilos and get folks nodding. Tuchanka. The Citadel. But those are proper names. You can put those phrases into Google and get results. It’s not easy with The Stanley Parable.

Today’s topic: what other games require the use of code words?

Stanley entered the door on the left

You are a man in an office. All your co-workers are gone. Find out why.

In a sane world that would be the plot to The Stanley Parable. It’s not. It’s not even about Stanley and barely about parables. It’s a video game made by video gamers for video gamers, a game that knows it’s a game and knows that you know it’s a game. You’re in a hall of mirrors.

Not really. You’re in an office building.


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Base secured. Standby for new orders.

Had my first full weekend of Battlefield 4 multiplayer. In some way it reminds me of EVE Online: there are dozens of upgrades for each gun, dozens of guns, and a handful of vehicles with their own upgrade trees. The amount of choice is overwhelming and you peck at this gigantic tree with your tiny beak. While the opposing team pecks at your head with their guns.

I’m already a week late to Battlefield 4 on the Xbox One, and who knows how many years late on playing Battlefield in general. I tend not to check the tops of rocks for campers. I don’t expect to find a sniper hunting me from the top of a 30-story skyscraper. I’m disoriented in a tank and hopeless steering a helicopter. To my credit I don’t even try to fly.

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Single payer video game

Why does Battlefield 4 have a single player campaign?

I played a few rounds of Rush multiplayer last night and had a fantastic time. The graphics are great, the destructible environment keeps me on my toes, and the progession system feels both fair and tantalizing. They’re using Oblivion’s leveling system in a shooter. I can’t wait to unlock more mods for my SCAR-H assault rifle by using my SCAR-H assault rifle. Heck, I even considered buying a premium subscription because I don’t have the kind of time that teenagers do to play this thing and unlock what I want.

I'm okay in a boat. Don't let me fly the chopper.

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Storm in a teacup

With the Battlefield 4 campaign finished I can dampen my criticism somewhat. They’re not trying to tell the same kind of story as a Call of Duty game. No world-spanning global crisis brink of nuclear annihilation run run run disaster time plot.

Here’s what happens in Battlefield 4:

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Assassin's appendix

Dig deep into Assassin’s Creed IV and you’ll get to the muck of the previous titles.

For instance, the A button still works for fast-walking. And by fast I guess I mean 1% faster than your normal speed. Why on earth is it there? You almost never have to hide from guards in cities. In fact, the entire hiding in crowds feature is useless at this point. Seeing Edward go monochrome while he chit-chats with locals is only marginally useful during tailing missions, assuming you can’t find a bush or a corner to hide behind.

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The wheels on the bus

What keeps you playing a racing game?

For other genres it’s an easy sell. You’re playing the campaign to see new locations, fight new enemies, reveal the secrets of the plot and experience new combat scenarios. Platformers also have the same appeal.

Forza Motorsport 5 is different. Every event is unlocked from the start. You can drive any car provided you have the money (either in-game or - barf - real cash). All the parts for upgrading your car are available. Paint your car any color or apply any decal. The only thing you get from racing is more money.

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  1. Using FFVIIHook on Steam Deck for Final Fantasy VII Remastered
  2. The Last Rug Pull
  3. Mythic Quest Thoughts
  4. My PGP Public Key
  1. Using OBS Studio and ffmpeg to Record Games for YouTube
  2. Using GitHub Actions to Publish Static Sites to Azure
  1. On Criticism
  2. Using Premium Verizon CDN to run React's BrowserRouter
  1. 307 Pages I Got Back, Part 5
  2. 307 Pages I Got Back, Part 4
  3. 307 Pages I Got Back, Part 3
  4. FFMPEG commands for audio/video mixing
  5. 307 Pages I Got Back, Part 2
  6. 307 Pages I Got Back, Part 1
  1. 372 Pages I Never Got Back
  2. Bandits. Simple as that.
  3. My Sixteen Games
  1. Configuring Samba 5 to share a folder with full write permissions to guest users
  2. Me Suffer Now
  3. Peace Among Worlds
  4. Halo: Installation 07
  5. From Zero to Hero of Time
  6. Remember to Forget
  7. That Next Next Next
  8. Pillars of Whateveritwas
  9. The Average Saiyan Warrior
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  2. Hi, I'm HERO
  1. Blackout
  2. Landing gear deployed
  3. So Wildstar
  4. It's that very special time of year, Greendale
  5. iPhones and lizard brains
  6. From the context it is clear what you mean
  7. Do you still want to meet?
  8. Kill meeee
  9. Dark Souls II playthroughs
  10. The Amazing Spider-dope
  11. Final Archstone
  12. More Archstone
  13. Archstone
  14. Horror-ible
  15. Paranoia+
  16. Old Ben on the mountain
  17. Target blank
  18. Clan Centurio knows how to treat its hard working members
  19. Steam Machines
  20. We shall l'cie
  21. Cooling a Playstation 3
  22. Next gen resmolutions
  23. New Year's in Ivalice
  1. The commander is ashore
  2. Fantasies twelve and thirteen
  3. Into the Nexus
  4. Backup
  5. Collector's cretins
  6. The good olde days
  7. OpenEmu
  8. Mulling Mac mini
  9. Driving blind
  10. Hyrule Warriors
  11. Rosalina
  12. Elite: Dangerous
  13. Free play
  14. The Desolation of Smaug
  15. Fallout free
  16. iOS 7 adoption
  17. Xbox, did you see that?
  18. Goodbye, Stanley
  19. Wag the tail
  20. Gold coin for your thoughts?
  21. Beginning Bitcoin
  22. Final Fantasy VIII
  23. The Happy Room and the Stairs
  24. Stanley entered the door on the left
  25. Base secured. Standby for new orders.
  26. Single payer video game
  27. Storm in a teacup
  28. A trapped wolf will cut off its own leg
  29. Assassin's appendix
  30. The wheels on the bus
  31. Riding dirty
  32. Marketing is a feature
  33. Everything is permitted
  34. What shall we do with a drunken sailor?
  35. Day One
  36. Obsolete
  37. Xbox One hunting
  38. Uphill both ways
  39. Recabling fever
  40. Next gen jitters
  41. Thor: The Dark World
  42. Nintenbored
  43. I will see to it personally
  44. Reviewing the Playstation 4
  45. Node Foreeever
  46. Knockin' on Node's door
  47. Junk Jack X
  48. iPad Air
  49. World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor
  50. The fastest way
  51. Internet Explorer-tan
  52. Back to the city
  53. Apocalypse cancelled
  54. Captain Zack Power
  55. It's crime time!
  56. People are protesting low land values
  1. Take a girl for a ride
  2. For Tyria!
  3. Guild Wars 2 is a bad game
  4. Reformat syndrome
  5. At the Nexus of madness
  6. It is now safe to use approved electronic devices
  7. iPhone tremors
  8. A challenger appearz
  9. Surface-level compromises
  10. 7.85 inch... oh no
  11. Magical, revolutionary advertising
  12. Gamer Theater
  13. Deus Ex: Human Revolution reflections
  14. Thoughts on Apple TV
  15. Fixing Apache on Mountain Lion
  16. Insanely Twisted Shadow Remnant
  17. Dark Souls
  18. EYE on Exodus
  19. Zeemote
  20. The Rolling Dead
  21. Sparrow flies away
  22. Memo to Charles Schumer: Publishers are not books
  23. The Binding of Seacrest County
  24. Brave
  25. Consuming iPads
  26. Frequently Asked Questions
  28. Twitter cracking down
  29. Synthetic meat
  30. How I use Facebook
  31. Sublime Text hits version 2
  32. I have to touch it!
  33. EA as underdog
  34. Yes, I would like to gno mor
  35. My format: guardian
  36. Bad. Ass.
  37. How I organize
  38. Summer beach parties are coming
  39. Weyland Science Mission Procedures and Precautions
  40. Setting up Mac for PHP and Ruby websites
  41. Is there any life in the Vita?
  42. Do. Or do not. There is a 30-day trial.
  1. Moving to Mac
  2. You know what's wrong with Skyrim these days?
  3. I didn't ask for these boss battles
  4. This holy place has been desecrated
  5. Jordan's Mod Guide: FreeSpace + FreeSpace 2
  6. Jordan's Mod Guide: Descent + Descent 2 Rebirth
  7. It's a good day to kill, your majesty!
  1. Flower review imagined as a conversation between Morpheus and Neo in The Matrix
  2. The inhabitants of the Gayzor mountains
  1. A better life, underground
  2. Monster Captain Fn'Gaaah
  3. For starters, I'm going to do something about those robots!